NASDAQ Stock symbols

Fifth letter qualifiers, explanation:

A Class A
B Class B
C Issuer qualifications exception*
D New
E Delinquent in filings**
F Foreign
G First convertible bond
H Second convertible bond, same company
I Third convertible bond, same company
J Voting
K Nonvoting
L Miscellaneous situations, such as depositary receipts, stubs, additional warrants, and
M Fourth preferred, same company
N Third preferred, same company
O Second preferred, same company
P First preferred, same company
Q Bankruptcy***
R Rights
S Shares of beneficial interest
T With warrants or with rights
U Units
V When-issued and when-distributed
W Warrants
Y ADR (American Depositary Receipt)
Z Miscellaneous situations such as depositary receipts, stubs, additional warrants, and

* The letter C as a fifth character in a security symbol indicates that the issuer has been
granted a continuance in Nasdaq under and exception to the qualification standards for
a limited period.

** The letter E as a fifth character in a security symbol indicates the NASD has
determined the issuer is delinquent in its required SEC filings.

*** The letter Q as a fifth character in a security symbol indicates the issuer is involved
in bankruptcy proceedings

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