Angoss Historical Revenue / Earnings & Chart

Quarterly Chart

Sequential Chart

* Note: Angoss Adopted EIC-142 Accounting Principles in 2006. 2004-2006 results have been restated in chart above and table below

Year 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
1996 $443,622 $489,537 $794,589 $946,413
1997 $833,896 $1,266,387 $603,010 $775,618
1998 $716,680 $512,717 $485,344 $2,468,434
1999 $620,775 $756,341 $811,605 $1,026,088
2000 $1,130,744 $1,202,142 $1,258,967 $1,240,292
2001 $967,797 $1,372,056 $1,125,665 $1,315,342
2002 $1,317,860 $1,225,454 $838,973 $1,092,994
2003 $1,433,961 $1,221,092 $1,065,174 $821,490
2004 $1,305,935 $1,372,111 $1,579,621 $1,579,447
2005 $1,406,114 $1,667,806 $1,529,796 $1,685,300
2006 $1,574,610 $1,771,168 $1,652,517 $1,825,819
2007 $1,757,979 $1,726,657 $1,965,009 $1,911,831
2008 $1,953,037 $1,888,807 $1,844,573 $1,855,106
2009 $2,020,967 $2,244,549 $2,067,775 $2,239,017
2010 $2,013,266 $2,067,845 $2,012,993 $1,827,942
2011 $2,032,652